Childhood Immunisation Vaccination in Singapore


If you’re a parent, you likely already know that certain baby immunisation vaccination in Singapore is mandatory—children at every age, starting from birth (including baby 2 month vaccinations) to ages 10 and 11, need to get vaccinations, which help make them immune to illnesses and diseases before it has the opportunity to harm their bodies.

Immunisation is achieved when vaccines—which are made from the same viruses that cause illnesses and altered—are introduced to your child’s body, typically via injection. Their immune system reacts by producing antibodies, thus giving them immunity.

Babysteps Medical offers baby vaccination at home; our house call doctors travel around the island to provide prompt and high-quality vaccination services anytime and anywhere.


Why vaccinate your baby?

At Babysteps Medical, we understand that baby vaccinations can be daunting for many parents and children. Baby 2 month vaccinations, in particular, may seem intimidating—it is common for parents to wonder whether their little one should be vaccinated when they’re still so young.

However, the benefits of vaccinations far outweigh the potential risks, which are often negligible at best.


Prevention is better than cure

It is alwetter to prevent an illness than to treat one after it has been contracted; the latter situation often causes your child discomfort and may even result in long-term health issues. Hence, vaccinations are essential, helping your child develop immunity and shielding them against ailments like whooping cough and measles, that can be harmful or even fatal.

Protect those you care about

Not all children are protected by vaccinations. By vaccinating your baby, you can help prevent the spread of diseases and protect those who cannot or are not yet vaccinated.

Lifetime protection

Many vaccines provide lifetime protection, allowing your child to grow up happy and healthy. Hence, you should stay up-to-date with the recommended vaccines.


Safe and effective

If you’ve been searching up information regarding the immunisation process, you might have come across discussions centred around the purported dangers of vaccines—most of which have no scientific basis.

You should also keep in mind that remember that vaccines must undergo years of testing before being approved, licensed, and distributed and are, therefore, generally safe. Furthermore, individuals, be it a young child or an adult, rarely experience negative side effects or an allergic reaction. Discomfort is typically limited to soreness and slight fevers.

If you would like further information regarding the safety and efficacy of vaccines, you are welcome to consult our doctors.


Which immunisations should my child take?

Baby immunisation vaccination in Singapore is conducted according to the National Childhood Immunisation Schedule, which you can find below.

What to expect during baby vaccination visits

As our team of doctors are experienced in paediatric care, you can rest assured that we’ll provide a warm and comfortable environment for baby vaccination at home so your child stays calm and happy throughout the vaccination process.


How are we different from other house call providers?

Our team of doctors and nurses has previous experience working in paediatric departments. Moreover, all our doctors have the necessary post-graduate qualifications to look after the paediatric population, including the Graduate Diploma in Child and Adolescent Health (NUS).

Keep your children safe

Reach out to us to schedule your child’s vaccination appointments. Together, we can build a foundation of health for your little one’s future.


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